Use "pseudoscience|pseudosciences" in a sentence

1. These belong to pseudoscience, inaccurate!

2. Seditiousnesses studiousness seditiousness Assiduousnesses judiciousnesses assiduousness pseudoscientist judiciousness pseudoscientists pseudosciences

3. The Scope of Fighting Against Pseudoscience Expands Too Much?

4. Biosphere 2 was ultimately ridiculed as a research debade, as exfravagant pseudoscience.

5. Measurement is one of the characters that distinguish science from pseudoscience.

6. Then creationism should stop using quasi-religious pseudoscience to do so.

7. It also helps struggle against anti - science and pseudoscience during SC.

8. Pseudoscience: Nonscientific theories that are claimed to be scientific by their advocates.

9. 26 Biosphere 2 was ultimately ridiculed as a research debade, as exfravagant pseudoscience.

10. How would Cetology best be characterized? A.)Science B.)Religion C.)Mythology D.)Pseudoscience

11. This type of bias is rampant in pseudoscience, where correct scientific techniques are not followed.

12. Once he said that pseudoscience is embraced in exact proportion as real science in misunderstood.

13. Although most scientists regard graphology as a pseudoscience, its practice is widespread in Europe.

14. The party members who support or take part in pseudoscience activities will not be forgivable.

15. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, Anthropometry was a pseudoscience used mainly to classify potential criminals by facial characteristics.

16. We review the recent academic discussion of the medical vulgarize, and raise the different concepts about pre-science, science, pseudoscience and counter-science.

17. Palmistry, also known as palm reading, Chiromancy, or chirology, is the practice of fortune-telling through the pseudoscience study of the palm

18. This is a list of topics that have, either currently or in the past, been Characterized as pseudoscience by academics or researchers

19. The name is evocative of circadian rhythms, the difference being that circadian rhythms are based on scientific observation, while Biorhythms are pure pseudoscience.

20. In fact, the medical vulgarize includes the social phenomenas of the pseudoscience and counter-science, both of them are inter-contacted and different each other.

21. It is dangerous when leaders prefer dogma to biological reality: Stalin's support for the pseudoscience of Lysenko was a disaster for Soviet agriculture.

22. LaHaye's books have their share of quackery and pseudoscience, but that does not preclude some genuinely wise counsel to lovers--especially inexperienced ones.

23. It begins, like much pseudoscience, with uncontroversial truths: the number of people over 85 will double, and the cost of drugs is rising.

24. Astrology is a pseudoscience that claims to divine information about human affairs and terrestrial events by studying the movements and relative positions of celestial objects

25. The only anti- pseudoscience "hero" in the scientific history was T. D. Lysenko, but just this person hindered the development of genetics in the Soviet Union.

26. A neat illustration of the fact that gullibility seems to be a disease of other people was provided by Martin Gardner, a great American debunker of pseudoscience, who died this year.

27. Two Chinese courts handed down libel judgments against Fang, known by his nom de guerre Fang Zhouzi, and the newspapers and Internet sites that have featured his writings on pseudoscience and fraud.

28. Palmistry, also known as palm reading, Chiromancy, or chirology, is the practice of fortune-telling through the pseudoscience study of the palm.The practice is found all over the world, with numerous cultural variations

29. In Viral Bs, journalist, doctor, professor, and CDC-trained disease detective Seema Yasmin, driven by a need to set the record straight, dissects some of the most widely circulating medical myths and pseudoscience

30. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Biorhythm may refer to: Biorhythm (pseudoscience), developed by Wilhelm Fliess in the 19th Century Biological rhythm, repetitive cycles that occur in biology, studied in the science of chronobiology

31. Jasmuheen (born Ellen Greve; 1957) is a proponent of "pranic nourishment" or Breatharianism, the practice of living without food or fluid of any sort and regarded by the scientific community as a lethal pseudoscience

32. ‘Anthropometry still remains the conventional method for evaluating the nutritional profile of children.’ ‘In the 19th and early 20th centuries, Anthropometry was a pseudoscience used mainly to classify potential criminals by facial characteristics.’ ‘Nutritional status was assessed by Anthropometry.’

33. In fact, the results of 184 studies of more than 1.6 million students demonstrate that separating boys and girls in school provides no benefit over Coeducation 1.Additionally, the article “The Pseudoscience of Single-Sex Schooling” suggests, separating students by gender can lead to prejudicial views, stereotyping, and inequality 2.This confirms what we have always believed; that there is